Russia Ukraine War Has Come To An End A Year, What Has The World Lost And Gained From It So Far

Russia Ukraine War Has Come To An End A Year, What Has The World Lost And Gained From It So Far

Russia-Ukraine War One Year: Before attacking Russia, it may have seemed that it would agree to it, but on this war, this lion of famous poet Sahir Ludhianvi fits perfectly, “War itself is a problem, will war solve any problems?” .” Only 5 days are left for one year of the attack on Ukraine, but the solution of this war is not yet visible.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in eastern Ukraine, and minutes later missile attacks began across Ukraine, including the capital Kiev. The decision of winning or losing this war is in the balance, but till now billions of dollars have been wasted.

There is chaos and helplessness in the world. The economic structure of the world has started to falter. Bread could have been provided to a large population with this wealth spent in the war. Many could have been educated, many lives could have smiled, but what happened to countless deaths, unimaginable losses and a world forced to cry. In such a situation, if Bashir Badr says, “Bury hatred in seven boxes, today man needs love a lot”, then what has he said wrong.

Why is the Ukrainian President crying?

Even after losing so much in the war, Russia may not have understood, but Ukraine has probably realized its mistake. Ukraine, which a year ago seemed to defiantly challenge Russia, today hastened to accelerate its efforts to support itself from the West, and to stop Putin’s military advantage, with the delivery of weapons and more on that. Calling for a quick ban.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told world leaders in a video address at a security conference in Munich amid growing fears that Russia was planning a new invasion.

Zelensky said, “We need to hurry. We need speed – the speed of our agreements, the speed of our deliveries … the speed of decisions to limit Russian capability.” Ukrainian President said further. “There is no substitute for speed because at this point it is the speed on which life depends.”

“Delays have always been there and it is still a mistake,” he said. His statement has come at a time when Russia-Ukraine war is about to come one year i.e. 24 February. After the biggest war in Europe since the 1940s, this war is going on for so long.

Zelensky acknowledged that Russia was trying to launch an offensive, mainly in the south, in part by attacking civilian and energy infrastructure. Meanwhile, he said, neighboring Belarus would have made a historic mistake if it had joined the Russian invasion. He claimed that surveys showed that 80 per cent of the countries did not want to join the war.

Russia blew more than 82 billion dollars

It is not that only Ukraine is in trouble due to Russia’s attack. Russia has also had to suffer a lot due to this. Along with the loss of billions of dollars, it has to face strict economic sanctions from western countries. If we talk about the expenses related to Russia’s war, then in just 9 months from 24 February 2022 to November 2022, it had spent one-fourth of its annual budget.

Russia had spent $82 billion in the war in these nine months. He needed at least 10 billion dollars every month to continue the war with Ukraine. In the year 2021, Russia’s annual budget was 340 billion euros. It is clear from this that Moscow spent one-fourth of its annual budget in this war. This is when it only includes the direct costs of its military operations. This does not include the expenditure on its defense and the economic loss caused by the sanctions imposed by the western countries.

Ukraine also lost billions

In the Russia-Ukraine war of 9 months and 10 days till December 2022, where Russia spent about 8,000 billion rupees in the war, Ukraine also did not lag behind in this matter. Oleg Ustenko, economic advisor to the Ukrainian President, had said in December 2022 last year that Ukraine suffered a loss of one trillion dollars i.e. about Rs 8 lakh crore due to the war. Ukraine has suffered the most due to this.

Even though this war has its own advantages and disadvantages for America, Europe, Ukraine and Russia, but the whole world is paying the price for it. This price had already reached about Rs 32 lakh crore ($ 4 trillion) last year. America and Europe together have spent 12,520 billion rupees in the war in the name of helping Ukraine. By the end of the year 2020, due to this war, due to all the reasons like increased food and fuel prices, interrupted supply chain, inflation and unemployment, the world was overshadowed by about 24 lakh crore rupees ($ three trillion).

More than 200 million people are victims of poverty

Most of the soldiers were killed in the war, whose average age would be 30 years. If the reasons like inflation were left out in this, then if he had joined the world’s economy at this age, then this price would have gone up to about Rs 144 lakh crore. Due to the Kovid epidemic and this war, more than 20 crore people of the world have become victims of poverty.

Till last year 2022, more than 1.90 lakh soldiers from both sides died in the war. About 15 million Ukrainian people are forced to struggle for survival because of the war. More than 75 lakh people were forced to be displaced. The Ukrainian military claimed that 90,090 Russian soldiers were killed in the war. Here, according to the top general of an American army, more than one lakh soldiers of Ukraine were injured in the war. On the other hand, Russia claimed that about 1.5 lakh soldiers of Ukraine were killed in the war.

This can be gauged from the fact that the cost of this war has to be paid by Russia because the cost of the war is almost twice that of Russia’s entire economy. If Russia has to pay the price for the loss caused to the world due to this war, then every Russian will have to work for free for about 10 years.

read this also: Why is Russia not stopping the war against Ukraine even after a year?

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